
Fry pan
part of  family

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Trophy running (1/14) Result: Came in 7ths with last day of 0/5 :||. Rested at 1783 points.

about 13 years
bad wendys is bad
deletedabout 13 years
-karma for being a tool + you negged me :) (also, our win percentages are the same, so for you to say that I suck is lolish) - also seeing as how many games I've played, do you realize how hard it would be to alter it? It has been going steadily up though. I've raised it 3% and it's continually going up. So fuck you :)
over 13 years
Lmao nice weiner.
over 13 years
+k for effing with bling! lmao
deletedover 13 years
Hot picture :)
over 13 years
neg'd for spamming capslock all game
over 13 years
stop being a dick
over 13 years
God damn, you're such a stupid asshole.
over 13 years
Made some changes to your design
over 13 years
I request a Weiner with a tiny mustache and a red background with a white circle. That is all.
deletedover 13 years
Or to your family, cause im good friends w/ FishMan!~
deletedover 13 years
Fry Queen, get me invited into HotDogs Ltd.
deletedover 13 years
deletedover 13 years
Fry Queen, I would like a weiner in a black suit :) thanks.
over 13 years
oh lol
over 13 years
nice weiner
over 13 years
GASP thank you :* lemme find you the right faerie ;D