Huh. That's interesting. Not sure why you dislike me so much really, but keep it up. Honestly I soon realized it didn't make much sense because Kooler was asleep. But I'd just had a falling out with him. Doesn't matter too much.
anonymousabout 7 years
I despise you now guess who I am and the next question will be me but not anonymous
Yep, hi Kooler. Zzz
I dunno who MJ is. Unless you mean Michael Jackson. In which case... I like him music. But not him. Or maybe you mean Mary-Jane from Spiderman. She was a bit of a nonce, I won't lie.
anonymousabout 7 years
No shit, Sherlock. It's my thing.
who's your favourite rugrat
Fun question! Hmm, does Angelica count? If not, probably Phil and Lil. Can't really like one and not the other. Lol.