
North of the South
in love with 
part of  family

On permanent hiatus from EM. I play D&D now.

Also you suck, I rule.


anonymousabout 7 years
hi sorry if this is insensitive, but what pronouns do you use?
Female. There are just people messing with me at this point. Zzz. Dw, it's not insensitive to want to get it rigt!
anonymousabout 7 years
i was this close to being chill with you then you did that racist shit
Fantastic. Literally a racist joke in response to a racist joke. When you get that stick out of your ass, I hope we can be friends and you can stop hiding on anon.
about 7 years
i'm in love with Her
Me too!
anonymousabout 7 years
You make me feel like the terrible person I actually am.
You're welcome... I guess. :|
about 7 years
how do u feel about mrs. white being killed off and replaced in the popular game "cluedo" aka "clue" in some other countries
Indifferent. Never played it.


8 / 20He's Batman
3 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
1 / 25Explosion!
over 6 years
The last bio was better
deletedover 6 years
please no frog dissection PLEASE
over 6 years
oh my god this hurts my eyes
over 6 years
+k for being nice
over 6 years
over 6 years
+k for ghost
over 6 years
One more +K for facing the end of times.
over 6 years
rate me
over 6 years
+k cause Carmens a hoe
over 6 years
Returned karma, thank you! Who knew you were such a sweetheart? And nothing needs reasoning my dear. Only boring people do. ♥
deletedover 6 years
about 7 years
deletedabout 7 years
i don't have enough score to karma you right now but i'm giving you karma in spirit
deletedabout 7 years
about 7 years
damn boi/gir chill out
about 7 years
I wanna join your fam
about 7 years
it will all be fine honey <3
about 7 years
I'm glad things are getting better
about 7 years
marry me
deletedabout 7 years
ily qt