
Hmm Hmm!
Spain (living in Manchester)

It's all the same, no matter where you are


about 12 years
liquid i agree with annon i miss ur face post a new pic pls ♥
Ok I'll post the next pic I take, my hair is pretty long now.
anonymousabout 12 years
Post pictures of yourself ^_^
There should be a couple of pics of me somewhere in the "pics pls" thread
about 12 years
u live alone? wut u doin for work?
I live with some friends. I got a scholarship to pay for my year here.
about 12 years
how have you been? tell me what uve been up 2! I miss ur face!
I've been up to a lot of stuff lately, right now I'm living in Manchester. Pretty cool place.
deletedabout 12 years
Wait, what's this about Thai Lady-boys?
Long story about my trip to Thailand with Corruption. Good old times.


8 / 10Scumhunter
4 / 20Super Sleuth!
3 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 25Objection!
1 / 10I'm Towntelling!
deletedalmost 14 years
Congrats on medal.
deletedalmost 14 years
Ask Mitch or one of the mods to get the setup comped. Explain to them that its not working and say you want to comp this setup. Give them the link and they should do it within 24 hours. Its what I did last time.

deletedalmost 14 years
Hi, some people say the other one is too townsided so I've modified it with Janitor instead of nilla. Maybe this will balance it out. Could you get this setup plussed and switch it with the one that is in already. Thanks.
almost 14 years
Hello, there!
deletedalmost 14 years
No problem. I respect the fact that you are trying to test out your own setups rather than gravitating towards DLYV. Even though I'm sure that most people in Bronze would prefer DLYV comp'd.
deletedalmost 14 years
Could you consider comp'ing this setup. thanks.
almost 14 years
Why did you give up? :( You could have gotten first lol. But nj on silver anyway! Top 3, way to be.
almost 14 years
Congrats silver man, at least I could help you one game.
almost 14 years
No way dude you still have a chance!!!
almost 14 years
I'm not a spy, sorry if that's not cool. :(
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
So are you <3 LIQUID!!!
deletedalmost 14 years
It depends on Snow... I'm just pissed that the server screwed me out of three games lol.
deletedalmost 14 years
+k'd because I think you're cool. :P
deletedalmost 14 years
I'm gonna ask you to be honorable and throw away a heart or 2... I lost 3 in server crashes today... I won't begrudge you if you don't...
almost 14 years
Glad to see your run isnt completely in shambles.
deletedalmost 14 years
I'm not evil :( take it back, or else >:D
almost 14 years
haha thanks man, we're like set for top 3.
deletedalmost 14 years
you are really cool and fun =D +kl
deletedalmost 14 years
I have you +K'd on my main, I hope we can play again sometime.