

I'm Cruiser/Windswept/Vraxo.

I maintained approx 71% WR across 686 games (average of 4 accounts). I'm widely regarded the best player ever to grace this site.

Friends (1)


anonymousover 8 years
are u a batiboy
That's a pejorative term. Expand your lexicons—you could've said gay or homosexual. Ans is no ftr


9 / 20Super Sleuth!
9 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
8 / 20He's Batman
8 / 10Scumhunter
3 / 20Do No Harm
deletedover 8 years
congrats again!
over 8 years
gg darron this dude is a real n'igga
deletedover 8 years
Congrats m8, pls choose dethy as one of the setups next time... ALL HAIL GUISER GANG!!!
deletedover 8 years
grats on another gold!
over 8 years
congrats man
deletedover 8 years
congrats Darron :)
deletedover 8 years
i'm beating you next time
over 8 years
over 8 years
WELL done!
over 8 years
Congrats on the well deserved Gold <3
deletedover 8 years
represent. good job rn on the round 475. hopefully you and garces 3107 get our family's first trophies.
deletedover 8 years
cngrats on the winrate boyo
deletedover 8 years
tfw darron senpai doesn't recognise when ur trying to win
over 8 years
nice song.
over 8 years
+k :)