
married to 
part of  family


                            I MUST RUIN MY PAGE AESTHETICS FOR 
                                    THE PURPOSE OF NOSTALGIA... 
                                                    AND HOPE.

                                            despair - shamu 2016


THE SNIPER WON: https://epicmafia.com/game/5519940/review

70 MINUTE LONG GAME: https://epicmafia.com/game/5447485/review

hopeapocalypse: https://epicmafia.com/game/5533095/review

50 PEOPLE SHOT IN THE DARK: https://epicmafia.com/game/5595397/review


  • use the correct your youre and theyre there their
  • i dont emote ever so if youre gonna guise me turn emotes off
  • also i apparently quote a lot idk
  • i guess you just say hope a lot




over 8 years
but would you join the NutellaSquad tho
well i believe hope squad gives off more hope but thank you for the offer
over 8 years
Would you rather join the NutellaSquad, or give up all hope, and worship Lenny?
why would i ever give up all hope thats just ridiculous
anonymousover 8 years
who has more hope: gundham tanka or nekomaru nidai?
both of them have an equal amount of hope i mean they did both [REDACTED]
anonymousover 8 years
wow u gay?
im only gay for hope
over 8 years
im voodoo say hope kek
im voodoo say hoop


25 / 25Eye of the Beholder
1 / 20Super Sleuth!
1 / 20Clint Eastwood
1 / 25Explosion!
almost 8 years
thats cool although pica is not the word i usually go for but

i guess. also to fish i read more than one noam chomsky book, what do u take me for?
almost 8 years
the tl;dr of some's essay was:
i read a book by noam chomsky and i think i know how politics work but irl idk what im doing property is theft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
almost 8 years
it might be centered and it might not.

Despair squad's opinion: No matter if it's centered or not, it's .

(PS: I'm sorry but i have to say it because hope squad's IQ is too low and someone needs to do something about it. ever device has a different resolution :OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MIND = BLOWN OMFG GET REKT EX DEE)
almost 8 years
hi hoopmaeda
almost 8 years
HAHAHAAHA! kys u just filled me with despair
almost 8 years

plues fricking k because ders no hope
almost 8 years
at least im not aly with two ages at the same time all the time, 89 and 7
almost 8 years
i know april fools day is almost over but i changed my profile. despair will never die
almost 8 years
is this a filthy weeb's profile or a filthy weeb's profile?
deletedalmost 8 years
are you kidding me
almost 8 years
no! i do not cave in to harassement
almost 8 years
maybe u shouldnt have harressed me into being gayy js
almost 8 years
who the r u calling dead
almost 8 years
almost 8 years
u fool i am my mum
almost 8 years
Ur aesthetics r gay
almost 8 years
smh = shaking my hopelessnessontoyoubecausedespairprevails
almost 8 years
I'm just here for sharing some despair:
there's people who believe in hope,
and others that aren't gay.
almost 8 years
smd >> suck my despair
almost 8 years
Deleted, you wrote so much more stuff on other people's profiles and I only get this, I quite honestly wish despair upon you