
May all kings bow down to him and all nations serve him.
in love with 
part of  family

Current and Previous Achievements

  1. All Time Trophy HOF
  2. Trophy HOF
  3. Godfather Honor Role




anonymousabout 12 years
Why are you so mad all the time?
I'm not. I'm a chill fellow!
about 12 years
have you stopped beating your girlfriend
I will never stop


1 / 10Gotcha!
1 / 30Oxyclean
1 / 10Death Row

Created Setups

deletedover 13 years
You're one of my six friends.
deletedover 13 years
......I have never slow-rolled in a game of mafia with you.
over 13 years
cant they just hand you, utah and strider a trophy by now dear god
over 13 years
go go. ouro para portugal :)
deletedover 13 years
Ohhhhh boy.
deletedover 13 years
I'm being serious.
deletedover 13 years
Thanks for vouching for me. It means a lot.
over 13 years
its not a problem, you dont need to speak. the skype is only to make it easier to coordinate games. having 45 people join 5 different games correctly is tough, so i use group chat.
over 13 years
any chance u got the spread sheet still?
over 13 years
Sorry was afk, who kicked?
deletedover 13 years
Also I am so happy that we won back to back. I'm not gonna lie, I've always kinda wanted a trophy but I haven't really cared that much, but when you won last round I was like, "Shit, I'm the only one left who doesn't have a trophy."
deletedover 13 years
Thanks. I wasn't expecting to, either. (I actually went 9/9 after losing my first game on the second to last day.) Then again I also didn't expect Fronz win gold and then get nailed or projectmatt to get screwed over the last day or nbt to win bronze and then lose it because of a heart refund. Shit was crazy. I got lucky. :X
over 13 years
What happened to your death to vets~ topic?
deletedover 13 years
over 13 years
+k for Luffy. <3
over 13 years
lol i love you bro
over 13 years
Please re-comp your setup(s). I was trolled by a fake screen shot into de-comping Miller setups.
over 13 years
SGR i miss playing with chu T^T