
God tier
part of  family

This site is full of little girls now. I can't stick around longer than 30 seconds without getting reported.

LOL a serious EM players I would rather lose than win these days

Trolls that deserve special mention on my profile: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD2LRROpph0&feature=related Rebbecca Black

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UmotTE-VlY tamtampamela

http://www.epicmafia.com/game/307 FIRST EVER TO BE LYNCHED IN A GOLD TIER GAME



I'm the most pro guy on this site. I am best at cop WIFOM, role fishing, scum telling as mafia, scum telling as town, and scum telling as warlock. My stats dont show it because I'm always being trolled. I'm always being trolled because they know if I'm not, I'm just too pro.

I've decided that I am just too pro and too elitist to play in any lobby except gold.

% Of no avi lynches were no avi is mafia: 99%

Only scenario where no avi wasn't mafia was when no avi was lyncher, which technically isn't town, so I think I've made my point.

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Due to faicon, I've changed my age, let the record show I"m still 66 o.o

Gold tier = God tier Silver tier = Slum tier Bronze tier = Bad players tier Training = Complaining Sandbox = Lobby for eating cocks

Space below is for my thread, the OP was filled up. http://www.epicmafia.com/topic/16128


Well Arlian, to address your first point, I'm afraid that is biased on the very few VERY FEW games I saw you in, and downright wrong. We aren't all egotistical pricks, if we were, and games really were all shit, then why do so many people in gold tier want it back? And tell me this, if you hate gold so much, and will not play in it if it is refunded, then so what? Just don't play in there, join Supers club'o'one/two if you join (Fading is on my side Super sorry, so is Grinder).

To address your second point, not very man games were trolled in the Gold Lobby, some people, like myself, got on alts and played so that people couldn't get easy reads on them (although thinking back that was pretty cheap and lame), but mostly didn't troll. However to reasure this, I encourage Lucid to make it so that ALTS CANNOT JOIN LOBBIES UNLESS THEY HAVE THE POINTS ON THAT ACCOUNT TO DO SO. 1 petition at a time though, I'm a rebel, but I'm not that bold.

Your third point, is implying that 90 minute waits was part of the whole quote. You quoting me wrong and that is downright wrong. Lobby waits lasted up to 90 minutes, and were well worth the wait to me and the countless others who have posted in this thread with approval of my petition. You don't have to wait, seriously this lobby doesn't even effect you since you don't play in it man. Also if you were to of read the part you quoted, you'd realize that in fact after the game, the same group would play 5-6 more games together. Someone left? No problem, someone else would take thier place, we often had 2 groups playing games at the same time. And if we were short one and really needed someone, we all have contacts to people in gold tier that we can call.

Final point, you said that people have left to the recent changes. Wrong. I assume you are saying they left because of tiered lobbies. However countless vets, including some of our mods, quit until tiered lobbies came into place. They came to play in gold tier. And now that gold tier is gone, we may lose thier presence, and with that a great part of our community

over 13 years
+k Happy New Year! Please return :) Danke!
over 13 years
War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! War Eagle! (And I'm still cheering for the Seahawks,,,)
over 13 years
It was a reference to the home page.
over 13 years
nuck is right as fuck as long as you defy wu tang you will one day die a bloody death. suicide is the only way out, and you may as well go out sucking dicks.
over 13 years
V it means you are a fag and should kill yourself. falcon is wu tang 4ever
over 13 years
Falcon look I know you have a hatred for karma but just because I whore it doesnt mean you need to take it out on me lol
over 13 years
V what the fuck am i reading
over 13 years
Sigh falcon you need to come to the good side
over 13 years
noooo! Join us falcon *Anything but wutang*! You are better than wu tang, I see good in you. Why go for the worst when you become one of the best?
over 13 years
Why are you nice to me sometimes then cruel lol and I did have 701 but I guess a few people negged me. Oh well lol
deletedover 13 years
+K for good play, honestly thought you would troll by how you talk on forums, but welp.
over 13 years
nucky never left 8-)
over 13 years
I'm not moderating the community, I'm moderating games individually.

Applying won't hurt. Don't neg me because you're jealous of something I have.
over 13 years
whats your msn :3
over 13 years
+k for seahawks fan
over 13 years
I'm cheering for them!
over 13 years
lololol falcon wtf
deletedover 13 years
yes i am married.
over 13 years
I'm also tired of people acting like not donating gives you no right to complain. This game wouldn't be worth anything without people to play it. And they're called "donations" for a fucking reason. I'm tired of people (not necessarily you) acting like people can't complain just because they refuse to acknowledge lucid as a god among men.
over 13 years
Not once did I insult lucid, what I did do was tell people not to buy into propaganda. Because that's what it is. I'm also tired of people acting arrogant and elitist just because they've donated. Guess what? I've donated in the past. Like I said, people should be thankful it's a free game.