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**Blaze Boat Buddies Veggie P* * Never forget

Laurie Rose is awesome.

20k points anniversary mark 1/29/11

Games none of you will ever click on:

Great game. Saved partner and ultimately pulled the win. ~1 hour

Heartbreaking 3+ hour game.

Shortest and luckiest game ever (literally 5 seconds long).

Fun game, best postgame

Got to be uncc'd BP as mafia, got gun, had cop claim and shot him, still won lmao

almost 14 years
Oh for sure
almost 14 years
Oh my God I love those Choco Tacos
almost 14 years
fail doc, you saved a yak and didnt out your save. thanks.
almost 14 years
I really wish I had kept record of the one game where I completely destroyed as the fool.
almost 14 years
My already ended 2 days ago lol
almost 14 years
kinda stinks I had 6 karma and am now down to 1 because I used the word gay and because I threatened to -k people in a single game when I don't even have access to that feature >_>
deletedalmost 14 years
Liberal Arts college=brainwashing.
deletedalmost 14 years
I didn't bring god into it... the expression "what you do before god" is not bringing god into it. Spamming the word gay is malicious. You did not intend it as happy, and honestly nobody says gay as a synonym for happy anymore. Used the way you used it, it is a hate word. Deal with it and grow.
deletedalmost 14 years
Don't even THINK about -king me for beating you in this game: That had better be an idle threat.
almost 14 years
heres some karma
feed on it and let it nourish you
almost 14 years
2k for u btw
almost 14 years
Nm u?
almost 14 years