
part of  family

                                        SQUAD GOALS:



        ^I would too. Even better, don't add me in the first place.



almost 7 years
Omg are you also a fan of Dear Evan Hansen???
I like it, and this song in particular is probably my favourite item.
deletedalmost 7 years
do you still play EM?
yeah on alts lol
deletedalmost 7 years
i love ur profile song
i love u
anonymousalmost 7 years
If you had a choice between saving Epicmafia and saving a bus of orphans, what would you pick?
a bus of orphans.. em can go die
anonymousalmost 7 years
Yes. Donathan. It me dad.


2 / 20Super Sleuth!
2 / 25Objection!
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
1 / 10I'm Towntelling!
1 / 20Do No Harm
over 8 years
sure sure whatever helps you sleep at night (:
over 8 years
no one can ever be weird enough to match you
over 8 years
I would draw but im horrible at drawing :3
over 8 years
jk this is the real you :)

(at least when playing with me :3)
deletedover 8 years
cake > chips
deletedover 8 years
where's the cake you promised me?
over 8 years
+1 Such quote.. very feels.
over 8 years
what a weeb
deletedover 8 years
how did you get tricked?

you silly loser.
deletedover 8 years
married loser
deletedover 8 years

sarcasm intended
deletedover 8 years
over 8 years
still king of the losers i see, proud of you son
deletedover 8 years

blessing your profile with a chicken's butt
deletedover 8 years

me when you get a pentakill

oh wait.... that never happens :)
deletedover 8 years

you 'deadbeat'
deletedover 8 years
okay then 'failure'
deletedover 8 years