
part of  family

If you -K me tell me why. If you +K me tell me why.

I'm 22 from Ohio. WOOP and I <3 mustache rides :D

Lover list: (+k them also) voltron <3 KimThePanda EpicMaria DocHere Radamanthos Dawnxs (i'm her kitchen bitch) Steph8078 rokkstxr dancer618

over 13 years
So don't get involved then? I negged you because you were involved. That's pretty much the basic line. If your a bystander, as in don't get involved AT ALL, I might consider returning your karma. But easily you can just neg me, quite simple, 1 click of the button so that Dawn can broadcast why I'm the world's stupidest person. A person who owns an iq of -500. Tell Dawn this for me. If she wants to stop it, tell her to stop posting on the wall in the lobby. That's pretty much why everyone knows about it.
over 13 years
Yeah of course. Your soooo not involved with changing my karma from 72 to low 60s. 2/ I can't play a game with either of you because I know I will get invesitgated/tracked/killed, I.e. that last game and you believed a townie that spoke with filling comments to a lurker. That's being angry from that last game. You never took into account what happened in that very game. If you did we would have lasted an extra night and maybe a day even. 3/ You said that you can get someone banned. First of all you told me to have a cry and talk with Lucid. Not in my hands your the one who told me I could so don't blame me and I'm not even going to Lucid. 4/ Don't trust rumours.
over 13 years
Burt, people dish out karma for different reasons. I was negbombed maybe because I dished it out 1st. Now let me tell you this, I've also been negbombed when I just started because I didn't catch onto the "auto win situation" Not my fault, but that's life. I don't owe you any karma and you don't owe me any karma either. Anyway, I said Dawn alone to be negged in ONE game and I didn't even mention your name. I'm wrong to accuse her of cheating, that's fine. I don't care what the rules say, that's still metagaming which I seriously do not condone. I'm not being rude. Your the one being rude by aggressively retaliating back.
over 13 years
Stop deleting my comment. I'm right you wrong. Admit it. Anyway I asked in 1 game ONLY. I never asked in any other ones. This game was with Blaze so go ask him.
over 13 years
thar you go
over 13 years
I gave you karma because your gave me karma :)
over 13 years
I thought you were a good player. But you metagamed. That's why I negged you for it.
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
I have msn :)
almost 14 years
Burt I miss you my kitchen bitch.
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
+2k plz return
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
returning +k :D
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
deletedalmost 14 years
+k please return
almost 14 years
+k for mustache rides.
almost 14 years
Danke sehr ;o
deletedalmost 14 years
thanks! returned for being a good player