
part of  family

IRC Mafia (I'm always here)[email protected]


about 12 years
why so casual?
I'm just really laid back. I know you're probably envious of my easygoing nature.
about 12 years
ass tits penis tits cunts depth of shit
Only sometimes, tbh.
over 14 years
+k, and now you're back to 0
deletedover 14 years
friends with eurolofag, making you a fag.
over 14 years
i happy 2nd game deleted >__>. I fail bad that game and slip beginning day and no one catch til late day. I screw from start
deletedover 14 years
+k for pimping my setup & trying to sell it to trophy runners so it'll competitive next round. And try using instead now. The yak is a little bit overpowered. With the yak the town has no mislynch, which is cruel in an already logically cruel setup..
over 14 years
OMG. i am reading the game where i guised you and that is amazing. HEY LISTEN YOU SHITBAGS
and i know i fail as guising you. :/ I always fail at guising. no one can win like simcow
deletedover 14 years
So concerning the 6 cop 2 guiser/yak multi setup. I think that even mentioning the cop results is a complete red herring. The game isn't long enough to figure out who is which cop with certainty and then get certain results on people with all of the guising going on. I propose that we should stop even talking about results and rather just look at teams/solos and then basic scumhunting. I think it'll make everyone involved better players.
deletedover 14 years
on top of you now =D but dexterwoody trolled in my last game so we lost an easy win. fucking trolls~~~ cya tmr on the scoreboard ;D
over 14 years
What happened to the setup? People are trying to mimic it, but failing.
over 14 years
i earn 100 points to say that second game is deleted.
over 14 years
Another amazing play by simcowking.
over 14 years
This shall forever remain on my profile.
over 14 years
Poor you. Always dieing the first night.
over 14 years
Becuase I'm nice damit!lol I'm just nice and a decent player.
over 14 years
yeah i saw that! i realllyyyy wish i could give you +K! sorry i had to leave!
over 14 years
let me know when you do so you get your well deserved +K from me :)
over 14 years
i want to +k you but it wont let me, anyway good job kickass maf partner!
over 14 years
Wow, you played really well as a mason; most people just recruit blindly and get themselves killed xD
over 14 years
Another fun round of Reverse Reverse-Mafia, despite some earlier bluicides. This setup really is the mason at its best.
over 14 years
over 14 years
I wonder if I can use this now.