
part of  family

IRC Mafia (I'm always here)[email protected]


almost 12 years
do you ever miss neff :X
almost 12 years
hue hue hue
o uo
almost 12 years
It seems you play League. What do you play and would you play with me?
Sure. I play any role, though my friends say I'm best at mid. What's your summoner name?
almost 12 years
do you use reddit? stab linked me a dude named primeintellect on reddit the other day and he was sperging out hard about it
No, not at all, really. But some other friend of mine has linked me stuff from that guy before. He's pretty hilarious.
almost 12 years
why did you choose primeintellect as a username?
Because there was a really weird scifi novel i read online that used that name for the AI.
deletedover 14 years
fuuu my bad
over 14 years
+k for u :P
deletedover 14 years
Jan didn't fire, so it was very likely that Babby was scum.
deletedover 14 years
When this person is mafia, he is amazing. +k.
over 14 years
Hello and +k
over 14 years
over 14 years
Do me a favor and -k Hawksteel friend
over 14 years
+2k plz return to DoctorPepper thx :)
deletedover 14 years
Annoying and obnoxious. Though he kinda reminds me of you....are you sure he's not your alt? ;)
over 14 years
Plussed for the eviltwin
over 14 years
lol he said i was a troll and started yelling everywhere
deletedover 14 years
.....I ran into your twin :o
over 14 years
you have an impostor
over 14 years
Wow, nice karma. I figured you were maf but didn't know about the other two.
over 14 years
right here :)
over 14 years
your amazing, +k
over 14 years
+k for you prime! (:
over 14 years
+k plz return
over 14 years
Sorry. I left the game to read. I'm waiting for another game to pop up. I am so tired of dieing n1. Makes everything boring.
deletedover 14 years
Answer to what to do about Prime's friend request: Linux or gtfo