
If you tell yourself a lie long enough you may start to believe it's the truth.
Hope's Peak Academy
in love with someone gone
part of  family



over 9 years
all these swines are mad you got a trophy lmao but really congrats Sonia I'm glad you won a trophy ! (:
awww Thank you jaay it sucks that me you and cjn could not get there but i'm really happy I got there we will get them next time <3 :)
over 9 years
You're single and I'm single, that should change my dear ;) hehe love you.
omg like hi there and I agree ;) haha ily to
over 9 years
break up with pod and go with me ? :3
daw shaked pod would be to sad if I did that to him but your super great and sweet for asking <3
almost 10 years
hi ;)
hey there pod ;)
almost 10 years
i cantfind the button to add you
Well I can add you instead :3


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
10 / 10Death Row
17 / 20He's Batman
6 / 20Do No Harm
6 / 15New Sheriff in Town
about 9 years
hullo how are you :3
about 9 years
“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
about 9 years
meow hi cutie :3
about 9 years
i adore u
about 9 years
I'm sorry Sonia, see, I tried to return the +k you gave me.

But I slipped and returned it 6 times. =3
about 9 years
idk who that is nor do I have any idea of why they'd think that
about 9 years
Happy new year, i wish you all the best in this world! ^^
about 9 years
♥ one of my favs.
about 9 years
I chose the new background. B)
about 9 years
Hey! I love your new background :>
about 9 years
thi background is so cute wow
about 9 years
about 9 years
Hey Sonia! I use to really like your profile song until the other duff members made me sing it to them. I am glad you are back in the family though
deletedabout 9 years
!!!!!!!!!! i dunno u but i love sonia,, such a precious baby angel
about 9 years
cute waifu you got there
about 9 years
y u always lyin?????
about 9 years
You know exactly what i mean
about 9 years
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years...I'll love you for a thousand more...

Don't ever think your alone there're people who care for you and love you they love your smile how you look your laugh you have so many great quality's never forget that <3

Is this me?
about 9 years
I've been listening to the colab nonstop holy moly
deletedabout 9 years
+k'd <3