
Never mind the misanthrope vying for affection to the wretched sound of mysticism dying.
part of  family

Off the deep end now. Considering giving away my accounts. PM if interested, going to give it about a month or so of thought.

The accounts in question:






I have been completely unable to maintain any semblance of relationship on any level.

I have been a bastard to the people who have actively attempted to deliver me from peril.

I have been acutely undeserving of the ear that listen up and lip that kiss me on the temple.

I have been accustomed to a stubborn disposition that admits it wish its history disassembled.

I have been a hypocrite in sermonizing tolerance while skimming for a ministry to pretzel.

I have been unfairly resentful of those I wish had acted different when the bidding was essential.

I have been a terrible communicator prone to isolation over sympathy for devils.

I have been my own worst enemy since the very genesis of rebels.



about 9 years
Apparently I'm a syndicate of yours.. lolol :3
Welcome to the Syndicate my friend! Go ahead and delete it if it messes with your profile at all!
anonymousabout 9 years
I love your background, I love your quote, I love your song... I love everything.
Why thank you, my friend! You need not be anonymous, I like knowing the nicer people within the community!
anonymousabout 9 years
Now this is pod racing!
I am mildly confused as to what you are trying to convey....
over 9 years
Hang in there <3
Thank you my friend, you've been an enormous help to me.


1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!

Created Setups

about 9 years
Returning the +k, because you are inside of all of us. Thanks for exist Evil. Keep doing your great speechs.
about 9 years
+ked for being eevil
about 9 years
+k for being a god.
deletedabout 9 years
+k for em gay pride :))
about 9 years
ur my bae
about 9 years
Thanks! haha
I was just scrolling through someones comments (Don't ask why) and Saw some comment from like 3 months ago. Lol
+K back. Nice background!
about 9 years
deletedabout 9 years
+K'd back :)
HMMMMMMM.... actually you are the best guiser ever? How could you? ;_;
about 9 years
about 9 years
+k for using proper grammar. :)
about 9 years
Delight to play with, +k
deletedabout 9 years
Wow I'm honoured. Returned!
about 9 years
What a (evil) gentleman!
about 9 years
How do I join the Syndicate?
about 9 years
psssssst you on?
about 9 years
Yep I was about half a drink away from blackout... but made it home safe and sound and only KINDA hungover. leaving for work in ten, I'll be there until like 9:30 my time. I'll be on after that though! still waiting for my drawing ;)
over 9 years
It is the night of the roommates 22nd birthday tonight, and I will be participating in less than sober activities. so perhaps... but most likely not.
over 9 years
Hi yes hello just checking in :P
deletedover 9 years
I approve
deletedover 9 years
can i join the favourite players list pls