
married to 
part of  family

Hi Y'all. I'm Callee, and I'm an old lady.

oh and GO STARS!!!!!!

almost 14 years
Hey!:)2k for u!please return!
almost 14 years
I'm on right now. D: You blocked me. D:
almost 14 years
I've been around. Waiting for you to get on MSN. D:
almost 14 years
I didn't know you came back haha, I only login at night when im bored.. and the last time i logged in was when i had sent you that message..

Next time just message me on msn ;)
almost 14 years
where is my lovely at?
almost 14 years
thanks for telling me ur back :(
almost 14 years
+k to you, feel free to return lol
deletedalmost 14 years
+k karma whoring return the favour por favour ;)
almost 14 years
you wanna be my friend? we can go to the park and feed the ducks
almost 14 years
+K me I k'ed you
deletedalmost 14 years
+2k for you. karma whoring, return the favor :-D
almost 14 years
+K karma! Yay!
almost 14 years
hell yeah! Heres to tha October BAMF's. We. Got. Swagg. :D
almost 14 years
yes! thank you!
deletedalmost 14 years
+k for unknown reason (possibly an act of kindness :3)
almost 14 years
Baaaaamf #_#; Thanks, girl. +King you too.
almost 14 years
a sore loser I guess lol
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
+k, nice pro-maf
deletedalmost 14 years
+k for nice :L