
my bio is a joke
in love with 
part of  family

add me on skype if you're hot.



about 11 years
u fabulous
no U fabulous
about 11 years
Do you love me?
of course bby
about 12 years
what's your skype
Christopherzilla reveals a gun and shoots hellolove6!
about 12 years
you know what i want
i do?
about 12 years
Oral or anal?


2 / 20Super Sleuth!
over 9 years
Very busy working and studying, was also ill in hospital :'( i'm okay now! Hope you're doing alright
over 9 years
gurlll <3 I plussed you
over 9 years
+K for being my love.
almost 10 years
+k to u
almost 10 years
hello... love. (lol) get it? hello love. ...6 (lol) okay okay, i miss u! please come around more... the mountain. (lol) when you... ah well, i've said enough.
about 10 years
do the world a favor and kill yourself IRL
over 10 years
I try.
over 10 years
I kill you cause I love you duh.
over 10 years
No i'm not here.
over 10 years
over 10 years
I bang asian biches and im hot so gimme skype
over 10 years
i drunkenly slove you
almost 11 years
over 11 years
message me x
over 11 years
It's ok u and i got dat way back sweetness
over 11 years
bby im still madly in lust with you but i be livin dat slut lyfe
about 12 years
+k'ed(: return? <3
about 12 years
I wasn't paying attention >.<
about 12 years
the word was faggot lol
about 12 years
okay. you should really experiment with dolphins.