
(๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)
in love with 
part of  family

[ s a n d b o x / t r a s h ]





over 9 years
can u make "my favorite user on epicmafia is Satan" and then draw a cute satan guy
Unfortunately I am only doing role ones for now! ; -;
deletedover 9 years
Am I allowed to use any of these? Or request a specific one?
Of course, they are made to share :D
over 9 years
Can you do an Anarchist role banner? :o
Here you go :)
deletedover 9 years
do u like ahri
As a character yes, playstyle no :)
over 9 years
I absolutely love all of your drawings! How about a War Demon one? Pretty
Why do I keep being told that this is a troll character? xD


2 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
2 / 10Death Row
1 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 25Eye of the Beholder

Created Setups

over 9 years
+k for your awesome art!
deletedover 9 years
suicide sheep (: you're great.
deletedover 9 years
please this avi is great, you love it.
over 9 years
Idk how your drawings are literally the cutest things ever
over 9 years
Omg literally teach me like please T_T
over 9 years
omg u r so gud at drawing :*
deletedover 9 years
I got rid of most of it =)
over 9 years
this song omg i had to sing this song i n primary shcool .f,d/sF
deletedover 9 years
tfw u sing so well
deletedover 9 years
I am going to refresh this page repeatedly until yo voice is uploaded
over 9 years
K+ bc your art is amazeballs and youre just an awesome friend in general :3
deletedover 9 years
i must say that your art is damn good.
deletedover 9 years
my student...
deletedover 9 years
i lovelovleolvoelovleolovlleolove u
over 9 years
Your song makes me want to jump out my apartment window and fly into the sunset
over 9 years
an fgt
deletedover 9 years
Now, I wonder how one could possibly achieve the impossible by disliking EM user Tashie...
over 9 years
Hey i made it to your profile! awesome.
over 9 years
re +k'd for touch my b00b
deletedover 9 years
One day I will become a pintress yes, wait I am a boy, painter, it sounds wrong, um it was actor? no no it started with ar, ar..ar...art..art..arti... oh yea, I will become an artificial intelligence