
in love with 

"im sorry" -randomdude96

It’s called a road, it’s called a Rainbow Road It is a road that you go It’s called a road, it’s called a Rainbow Road And you will know – when you get there

It’s called a road, it’s called a Rainbow Road It is a road that you go It’s a road that you go – when you die

It’s a road called Rainbow Road It’s a road that we’re all gonna go It’s a road called Rainbow Road It’s got Princess Peach, Mario, and the Toad It’s a road called Rainbow Road It’s a road we’re all gonna go We’ll go…

It’s Rainbow Road It’s where you go when you die it’s Rainbow Road I’ll miss you again, uncle It’s Rainbow Road It’s where you go when you die it’s Rainbow Road I’ll miss you again On Rainbow Road


anonymousover 9 years
did you know your birthday falls on meme-free friday?
...no...it...it cant be...i...i love memes...
over 9 years
Zeto is a confirmed nerb pass it on
Uhm, excuse me? You're the nerb here, kishu.
anonymousover 9 years
stop this
over 9 years
omg is that fuckin you Fuklord?
I am the #1 Fuklord.
over 9 years
Thanks for dropping by~ :3 We should definitely talk again, soon too!!!
Mmhm! It would be great to get back in touch with ya! You can ask me for my skype through pm, if you have one B)


1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
1 / 10Death Row
about 6 years
over 6 years
over 6 years
almost 7 years
02:49 Zetonate
its been like 9 months since someone has commented on my profile
02:52 Zetonate
someone please
03:04 Zetonate
every passing month my soul gives out more and more
over 7 years
this really stirs up my pasta
almost 8 years
gay lol
almost 8 years
deletedalmost 8 years
i low key don't miss you.
almost 8 years
dude memes fuel me
about 8 years
get memed on kiddo
about 8 years
How was I not friends with you already?
deletedabout 8 years
deletedabout 8 years
over 8 years
i won and u lost
deletedover 8 years
r u there ?its me, bob
deletedover 8 years
hate me
over 8 years
love me
about 9 years
just got here to meme you.
deletedabout 9 years
+k cos u mah sandbox bae
deletedabout 9 years
+k for everything youve done for me, thank you