
New York City
in love with 
part of  family

                 Be the change you wish to see.




  • Hi my name is Ivana.
  • I'm a Mother of 2 boys but no I am not old.
  • I've been on this website for 8 years this July!
  • Fun fact: I went completely psycho and was banned for 6 months straight.
  • I am grateful for this breakdown as I came back better, happier and mended damaged friendships.
  • I'm a major stoner and supporter of free choice. I am pro-weed, pro-abortion and pro-gay marriage.
  • I'm not religious but I am extremely spiritual. I believe we all worship the same God and religion was made up to have power and control.
  • I've lost 135 pounds since May 2017. :)
  • I will always speak my mind. I don't care what anyone thinks of me and chances are I never will.
  • User wink is my wife and I will kill someone for her.
  • STAY KIND OR BE GONE! Kindness is my moto in life.




anonymousover 6 years
Why are you roleplaying as a girl when your plug.dj is a dude?
Lol I can't with this. I have no idea what you're talking about, but both matt, mars, Cammy and many others can indeed verify I am a girl and who I say I am. If you need proof, message me instead of being anonymous.
anonymousover 6 years
What happened to wingrl?
That's a good question! I don't know, but I miss her terribly. I had her added on Skype a couple years ago but I never saw her log on again.
anonymousover 6 years
Where is Anxiety
I don't know. Ask Cammy, she would know lol.
over 6 years
yo everytime i see a map of the world it shows just one side, you seem like a lad with resources so do you have a link to the other side of the map?
No but I have pot brownies.
anonymousover 6 years
You know the deal... your asshole... the cock of fury... get ready. It's tightness will be streched and tested for endurance.
Alright, at least get the lube though.


7 / 20Clint Eastwood
3 / 10Governator!
2 / 20On the Trail
1 / 15Knight Devout
1 / 10I'm Towntelling!
deletedover 6 years
over 6 years
hope my fave chicka is doing gr88888888888 c:
deletedover 6 years
i am v confident that it's a FACT! that u are the sweetest woman in the WORLD!
over 6 years
o damn you already have an EM lover :(
over 6 years
not at all!
over 6 years
i love redheads omg
deletedover 6 years
i could gush abt u all day u are so sweet n positive n always looking out 4 every1 this site is lucky to have u
over 6 years
who needs pizza when you can have ivana ;)
deletedover 6 years

also no completely normal i am also a victim
over 6 years
who took your avi pic? you're clearly sleeping in your pic. so who took it?
deletedover 6 years
sweet em user
over 6 years
hi hunny
over 6 years
right on!
over 6 years
did ivana get plisskened?
over 6 years
omg ok next time i try to play some games i will remember to message u <3 <3 miss u
over 6 years
no you :O
over 6 years
Nice profile :)
deletedover 6 years
aw i miss you too ! and thank you omg
over 6 years
i meant sticka, but sicka looks cooler