
part of  family

to carthage then i came

burning, burning, burning, burning



over 10 years
I have no chill
tru tbh
over 10 years
You think you're cute but you're actually Caillou xx
over 10 years
You think but you're actually caillou
over 10 years
You think you're cute but you're not xx bitch
stop bullying me
deletedover 10 years
You think you're cute but you're not xx bitch
im reporting you for ic


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
13 / 20Do No Harm
11 / 20He's Batman
9 / 10Scumhunter
almost 10 years
Did you do anything you shoudlnt of?
almost 10 years
thats not a nice first thing to say to someone after a vacation
almost 10 years
This is a epic mafia butt touch. Pass this to at least 10 of your favorite users to show them how much you love their butt. Make sure you don’t break the chain or your butt will deflate. Happy mafia butt touching! - Tag! You are it! -
almost 10 years
Don't do nasty things on your cruise
deletedabout 10 years
your bio omg im crying
about 10 years
pls stop flirting you 2, its highly disturbing
about 10 years
yes you are
about 10 years
well you are 12
about 10 years
dw dear you're my best friend too
about 10 years
about 10 years
whoa did you call him your best friend in the world
about 10 years
Whattup ling sucks
about 10 years
i thought i replied, i even sent you a pm o_0
about 10 years
You dont have any best assets except not replying to me
about 10 years
I miss you MORE
deletedabout 10 years
miss u loser
about 10 years
I find you a bit pretentious
about 10 years
Yea your pics usually make me feel sorry
about 10 years
Don't listen to Calvin he's a ****boy
about 10 years
You cant go to raves in 6 months