+k'd from Mia. Love, Mia. Please return. Love, Mia (again). :D
deletedalmost 9 years
♡ HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANIA!!1 ♡ can't believe we are growing up together so fast! it's like just yesterday we were in our karate class and i desperately came to u so that u would teach me! and then eventually we became black belts together and conquered the whole left side of barbados (the barbecue ha ha) i think the most special time in our friendship was when we purchased lions together w all the money we got from ruling barbados and they beat up ur other poop friends megan and trinity ha ha suckers that'll teach u to have a movie marathon w/o ania! i think spending every day together watching movies together and meeting celebrities and dating dylan o'brien (u ha ha) has really made our frinedship stronger and i don't know where i would be w/o u! i def wouldn't b hanging out w the stars in barbados and buying lions ha ha
jk happy national best friends day i love u lots ania ur AMAZING also i love ur voice and ur face ha ha