you're one of the best people I've ever seen. you're incredibly sweet and nice :)
;A; if i knew who this was I would offer you a hug thank you let's be pals ☺
anonymousalmost 10 years
you're such a good person
you're my friend and inspiration ily
anonymousabout 10 years
tbh you're one of the best people ever you're so great
tbh I wouldn't be one of the best people if it weren't for amazing friends in my like (like you whoever you are!) thank you very much I'm grinning stupidly.
anonymousabout 10 years
you're one of the loveliest people and I hope everything goes really well for you! you're a really good person!
This is incredibly sweet. This has made me feel really optimistic about the future! Thank you for your kind words I want to give you a hug.
His spags spaghetti, spags weak, spags spaghetti, There's spag on his ghetti already, mom's spaghetti, He's ghetti, but spag the ghetti he looks spag and ghetti to meat balls, But he keeps on spaghetting what he spag down, The spaghetti goes so loud, He spags his mouth, but the spaghetti won't come out, He's spag how, everybody's ghetti now Pot boils, grubs up, spaghetti, blaow!