
in love with 
part of  family

glory to




about 11 years
How much will you pay me not to release your secret journal of witchcraft to the world?
over 11 years
Just stop youre embarassing yourself Do you even go outside? To get hte mail every day? Because that doesnt count
If you leave me now, you'll take away the biggest part of me Uh uh uh uh no baby please don't go
over 11 years
you were pretending to be me :(
over 11 years
Do you ever play anymore?
i played regularly on alts but lost interest a couple months ago
over 11 years
thats pretty racist bro
i'm so ronery


1 / 25Explosion!
1 / 15New Sheriff in Town
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
deletedover 12 years
I need you to tell me which deleted account sent me this message.
deletedover 12 years
Can you do me a personal favour?
deletedover 12 years
Don't spam threads please.
over 12 years
I love you
over 12 years
Keep fighting the good fight, broseph
over 12 years
Hey Laex what can I do to ensure I don't get rebanned?
over 12 years
Hey what is it like to know all the work you did was ALL FOR NOTHING
over 12 years
hihihihihihi i was wondering when will i be unbanned from forums.
over 12 years
solaster is called maria? how cute.
over 12 years
ITS HENTEASER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GIVE ME SOME TOKEN RIGHT NAOOOOOOO
over 12 years
does that include obviously fake reports (like what I do?)
over 12 years
Using a copy/paste or ctrl + z function to copy an in-game system message (e.g cop report). This includes fake reports."

What does fake reports include
over 12 years
oh really?
over 12 years
both of your parents are gay and you are also gay
over 12 years
Every avatar that you get is really strange.

Get a bandit.
deletedover 12 years
Game 889104 was broken . I need my heart back and the only thread that was shown to me is like 8 months old. On an alt of mine that doesn't matter as much you refunded a different game. Please refund this broken game. thank you.
over 12 years
What classifes as lobby stalk?
over 12 years
So basiclly if someone plays bad and u want to dodge them, u cant create another room and tell him not to join?
deletedover 12 years
I know one of them was LaDispute, but the others delete before i have a chance to even see who it was. I actually deleted my old account because of the same stuff happening.