I thought you were leaving? Bye mister shit mod. Bring back sachy, atleast he lurked and didn't basically shit on me like a douche. Jesus christ this is a clear cut example of IM BIG YOU'RE SMALL DEAL WITH IT. -__-
anonymousabout 11 years
Hello! I was banned for vegging and I've started a new account where I have not vegged a single game. Y u gotta ban dat account 2? ;(
im telling this to you, because the freedom of speech, and freedom of opinion, and im not telling anybody to think on you something, im just telling to you, what you are
here is the truth, i think you are annoying, you arent trolling, just annoying because you exist, its my privilage to think what i want about you, and if i want to question it loudly if you are an idiot or not, which i am thinking on you especially after the pathetic report and pathetic try to use your mod powers to troll angry players, i wish you a bad night, go fuck yourself, i dont like you, this is not harrasing you annoying piece of trash, this is what i think about you because this is what you showed me about you till now,scumbag, attention freak, and generally mental whose annoying others for entertainment. have a bad night, i dont want to see you,dyeeee