

so yeah missy higgins is my wife

we will get along if u love aristocats, coffee and kittens



over 10 years
Why are you so perf?
I think I should be asking that to you <3
over 10 years
why is rvp a gay cunt
wow mvan!!! dont be rude
deletedover 10 years
Your last question was 12 months ago. OK. Sadly I don't have anything witty or interesting to ask, so let's just keep this here because you're great.
you have made my day jack ily
over 11 years
If you could wish upon a shooting star, what would your wish be?
to be ur lover forever xxx
over 11 years
i love you
I love you more!


20 / 20Do No Harm
20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
12 / 20He's Batman
6 / 15Knight Devout
almost 7 years
Come back
about 7 years
Oh my god you just made my day
about 7 years
u are my fav xx
about 7 years
about 7 years
GOOOOD. cant believe ur back from the dead
about 7 years
how on EARTH have u been
about 7 years
over 7 years
get back pls!
over 7 years
This page still alive? Holla @ me
over 8 years
Miss u
almost 9 years
tiarna I miss youuu
almost 9 years
well well well
deletedalmost 9 years
omg!!!! omgomg!! my princess! i miss u!
almost 9 years
The queen has graced us with her presence
almost 9 years
Listening to "Warm Whispers" and thinking of you~
about 9 years
Take back to you yelling at me everytime I try to towntell at mafia lmao I hope you're well tiarna!
over 9 years
i miss you so much tooo
over 9 years
been. a. minute.
over 9 years
well isn't abe just the cat's meow
over 9 years
love u!