
part of  family
about 14 years
about 14 years
lawyer ccs cop with a guilty or inno, they test the guilty or if you play well enough with an inno, you get the cop lynched. The game goes to lylo, lawyer gets lynched if sill alive - if town didnt lynch a cop or lynched the guilty the real cop then has a 50% chance of checking lawyered stalker then a 50% chance of checking nilla which claims to be "miller" - by this time, it's lylo and town dont risk lynching the miller. i negged you for being a stubborn selfish player and not playing as a team.
about 14 years
terrible selfish player
about 14 years
I was right, cop was mafia and we should have lynched orc.
about 14 years
Oh, and I should add that doc did not in fact confirm as I stated they were AFK the entire game. we had to kicklynch after you left.
about 14 years
I insist that I was not derogatory. You were the one calling me retarded and insisting I "stfu". If anyone was insulting it was you. I could not trust the tracker while samurai was 100% clear. Our AFK was doc. You were clear enough and did not HAVE to have clears. Samurai would have died regardless and you would have been clear at that point. If you feel that deserves -k then fine. You overreacted in my opinion without justification or provocation. Regardless, I feel you played well and look forward to seeing you around.
about 14 years
Yes. You're right of course. Thanks for the reply.
deletedabout 14 years
i'm sorry for that. i was going to hammer on ae, but i take care of my grandpas medical shit and i had to take the phone call. i +k'd you to compensate, besides you're a good playe <3
about 14 years
We killed that game
about 14 years
Asking for someone to suicide is quite the gamethrowing, and stop fucking insulting
about 14 years
Less rage, more logic please.
about 14 years
Nails, anyway you look at it kicking is a mechanism to allow people out of the game when someone does not vote. It wasn't something that was implemented so that any player can blitz vote. You can try to argue otherwise, but kicking was not meant as a strategy and should not be used as such.
deletedabout 14 years
about 14 years
I play for the love of the game above winning. People who kick don't.
about 14 years
That's why I added the 'autoloss' feature. And the reason why I don't like kicks is because if one dumbass town votes incorrectly for just a second, it's over. That's inherently mafia sided and it takes the fun out of the game and just makes it a race to appeal to the dumbass and try to get him to throw up a vote before he actually thinks through his actions. It's a matter of preference, but whenever I win a game because a partner just kicked when a noob voted too quickly it leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
about 14 years
You troll in ranked, throw game, and suicide, then you get mad at me when you're suspended? Whatever, I don't respect your clan. Do what you will.
deletedabout 14 years
I'm unleashing the hounds. You took it to far. WU TANG GET THIS SCUM RIGHT HERE!!!
about 14 years
Well, I don't consider negging a player simply because they suck justified. If a person wants to tell if someone is a bad player, they can just as easily check their statistics screen or something. I think negging should be used exclusively for people who intentionally troll or throw games, not for those who make legitimate mistakes. Also, I deleted your comment because it didn't really fit with the rest of the other ones. Call me an idiot or an asshole or something if you want me to keep your comment.
deletedabout 14 years
K+ I slipped :p
about 14 years
+K because i always have good games with you!