anonymousabout 11 years
What did you mean when you said "I wish I could live off sucking dick"?
Kinda like a prostitute you know? suck dicks, get money, ez life.
anonymousabout 11 years
How does it feel being a stoner as a full time profession?
It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside
anonymousabout 11 years
you an annoying cunt, but that burn on the trans tumblr retard earned you some respect
die cis scum
anonymousover 11 years
pls don't suicide
suicide? more like, dullicide hahahahahhaaaahahhhhahahaaahahahhahahahahahaahhaahahaaahahaaaahahhhhhaaaa
anonymousover 11 years
~Top 3 annyoing players in the /v/illage?
gaysac and the superiority complex squad