
New York
in love with 
part of  family

Hi, I'm SpaceWhale. =)

I try to be nice to everyone while maintaining a competitive play level.

^^ This is me =O

I like to have fun! I am going to St. John's in NY for college! I don't play EM very much anymore but I love all you guys!! =)

about 14 years
Okay, but don't you wont tell anyone, right? (Y/N)
about 14 years
Awesome. You should touch my happy place (Y/N)
about 14 years
LOLUMAD 10 days 1 hour
I'm visiting new york. We should make out. (Y/N)
deletedabout 14 years
look like ur the only shitty, corrupt player left here on EM. tuneche just found to be cheating with mike.
about 14 years
ROFL. Tuneche is right, he won't be getting gold..............................or silver or bronze.
about 14 years
Ty, tbh i was more afraid of you than vei, anyhow i wont be getting the gold, :p
about 14 years
i have enlisted the help of brock and jepstein. there is no hope for you now. admit your guilt or face the consequences. it won't be pretty
deletedabout 14 years
i hve proof u r cheeter u will not keep this gold
about 14 years
Good call on jez and make, bad call on me. I'm upping you with the assumption that you wouldn't have made a pants on head retarded decision at the endgame. +k'd on both alts
about 14 years
fucking shit player get off the site; negged on all 4 accounts.
about 14 years
hi hello hey there
deletedabout 14 years
what an honor
deletedabout 14 years
LOL I can see that. Did you just send out random friend requests and see how many people would accept?
about 14 years
Good player, +k
deletedabout 14 years
Oh wait we are friends LOL
deletedabout 14 years
How come we're not friends?? Lol anyways, I'm adding you! +K as well
about 14 years
604 friends. whore
about 14 years
You are the best player in EM history.
about 14 years
+k to you. Happy fonger day!!!!!!
deletedabout 14 years
That whale looks extremely unhappy.