
married to 
part of  family

I saw Hugh Jackman.

over 10 years
over 10 years
until proven otherwise pox
about 12 years
thanks :) i cleaned my gmail and it ended up deleting your novel of an email :(
over 12 years
dimsum in hk is indeed amazing. 在香港諗碩士喔,現在是個研究生~ :P 快來香港sis, 我treat你一餐~
over 12 years
merry christmas jurz
over 12 years
還有,我很很很很很很很很愛你啊! 怎麼你在FB沒有什
over 12 years
I'm currently residing in this lil crowded city, hong kong! too much radiation in jp, uk is still important to me but the reason to live there forever no longer exists since some time ago. :/
over 12 years
I was just wondering how you were doing :D
over 12 years
I can't keep track of which one is actually you :D, but hey!
over 12 years
nice fam you got there
over 12 years
LOL that picture is beautiful, much better than anything i've made
deletedover 12 years
lol yes i remember that! fucking webcam is a piece of crap. wouldn't have that problem if it wasn't attached to the computer though. i dont do antlers brah, unless you make it, even then 50/50.
almost 13 years
about 13 years
I is baaaack :D :D :D
over 13 years
You're retiring this account D: noooooo :/ We should play some time though :)
over 13 years
:D I will do o; I only came back like a bit ago xD Lmk when you can play :)
over 13 years
ahaha yea Im back :) How are ya? :D
deletedover 13 years
WANNA ████?
over 13 years
over 13 years
hai :D