anonymousabout 10 years
the funny thing is none of these asks were from her so you got all sweaty over nothing HAHA
I didnt "get all sweaty" about anything lol. she stalked me, you stalk me, its all the same. your obsession is adorable though.
anonymousabout 10 years
enjoy you vio.
LOL, I didn't get a violation, but thanks for continuing to be obsessed with me. XD
anonymousabout 10 years
google zack skipworth. the guy in chialike's pictures is NOT chialike.
Lol, most people on the internet arent real. GG.
anonymousabout 10 years
you could just like answer the question instead of a shitty retort like "olol ur her, lol!"
Stop obsessing over me. GG.
I noticed that there is a player whom I know who has a similar status as you ... And may or may not be passive aggressively talking about you on his/her profile. #justdwightthoughts
i noticed that there is a player whom i know who has a similar family name as me ... and may ot may not be passive aggressively a bitch. #justzwinkthoughts