

"Slash. Once committed to fight, Slash. Everything else is secondary. Slash. That is your duty, your purpose, your hunger. There is no rule more important, no commitment that overrides this one. Slash."

"This sword, Hakurouken, shows the truth... Truth is not visible to the eye, nor audible to the ears. Truth-slashing is something which you know, when it was taught by the master. Therefore, everything doesn't begin unless you slash it. The sword is sure to lead to the truth."

deletedabout 14 years
+k great game :)
about 14 years
tbh, I was a bit pushy in that game. However, I still disagree completely with you. And when I said that I had never nl'ed d1 in that setup before with one death in GY, i was completely serious. Crazy how that never happened and then one game everyone does it... Anyway, the point is that giving watcher one more day means nothing, really -> they can get stalked and then killed by mafia within two nights, or they can just plain not catch mafia. Wasting an ML completely is very bad, imo. ML's and voting in general produce scumtells/towntells, can result in lynching of maf, or out's cc's, all great things for town. So yeah. I was just 100% sure we had to use ML and everyone there immediately bw'ed NL, so it got me frustrated.
about 14 years
Win as fool! 80 points, right there. Very nice.
about 14 years
+K nice job as vig