
in love with 
part of  family





anonymousover 11 years
you're the sweetest <3
i like you a lot
anonymousover 11 years
you changed the password u fatty
how dare you call me fat
anonymousover 11 years
I'm good, how are you?
I'm pretty good too, my days pretty good so far, how about yours?
anonymousover 11 years
hi ling
hi anonymous, how are you
anonymousover 11 years
fuck off cunt
fight me


1 / 25Eye of the Beholder

Created Setups

over 8 years
gay af
over 8 years
wherefore art thou fling
deletedover 8 years
Ling v Anthony, who owns at mafia moreso than the other?
over 8 years
I'm not exactly sure what you meant by that. But since you paired me up with light in the sentence, I'm assuming that you're not fond of players who base their game on logical analysis. And I'm also assuming that when you said 'gay' you meant the common slang misuse of the word which is a derogative term used to address something you dislike. So you dislike analysis and logic?
over 8 years
ur a big fat doo doo head
over 8 years
another year of instigating
deletedover 8 years
over 8 years
over 8 years
hey can of corn
over 8 years
my protégé
over 8 years
I see you're using your negging skills on blister to make him fall for you
deletedover 8 years
[07:03:54] michael: take care
[07:04:02] Ling: shut the f*ck up
deletedover 8 years
bro i said how are u on skype and u NEVER RESPONDED
deletedover 8 years

his babby
deletedover 8 years

for ur viewing pleasure
deletedover 8 years
deletedover 8 years
deletedover 8 years
skype me!
over 8 years
No i cannot
deletedover 8 years
i want to do that to you is that ok??