
in love with 
part of  family





anonymousalmost 11 years
you're the sweetest <3
i like you a lot
anonymousalmost 11 years
you changed the password u fatty
how dare you call me fat
anonymousalmost 11 years
I'm good, how are you?
I'm pretty good too, my days pretty good so far, how about yours?
anonymousalmost 11 years
hi ling
hi anonymous, how are you
anonymousalmost 11 years
fuck off cunt
fight me


4 / 20Clint Eastwood
2 / 25Objection!
2 / 25Explosion!
2 / 20Do No Harm
2 / 10I'm Batman.

Created Setups

deletedover 9 years
i hope you die irl
over 9 years
you are the best and i love you
over 9 years
you are giant suck go away
deletedover 9 years
couldn't have done it without your blessing =)
over 9 years
Can you teach me how to be a good player like you?
over 9 years
hey bud have you met my handsome, nice, single friend abe?
over 9 years
Is it better now?
deletedover 9 years
you're my favorite idiot
deletedover 9 years
deletedover 9 years
hello friend
over 9 years
ling + mango OTP
over 9 years
hello ling ur good at dota but not good as me xoxo
over 9 years Neg this report and can you all please (if you haven't already) neg linglingsblingbling whenever you are in a game with him? He's annoying for this report, for being nothing but a dirty stuck up goody two shoes , and for dissing and provoking our family when some of us got banned.
over 9 years
stop joining my games from now on. because you are throwing games for someone. All you did was lynch the guy who was obvious town as he decided to do the optimal thing. And after that you followed my fos and blamed me for your loss which could have been a win had you let me shoot in blues. If you think that a mafia will ever refuse to shoot who the clear says then you are .
over 9 years
i would never try to fit in with kelly. take that back.
deletedover 9 years
i want to be on your profile
deletedover 9 years
this is illegal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
deletedover 9 years
ur so pro at battleships pls mentor me