

Everything below was written a couple of years ago, i honestly today have no idea of what i was thinking or what my point was. I leave it here only beacause it's all i have to offer that could be possibly funny to read here.

I disagree with people who say that fool shouldn't townside, in this game you should always aim for winnning. And if you need to townside as fool to increase your winchance it is what a player must do in my oppinion otherwise you are not playing sportsly since you are not aiming to win for 100%. so go on and townside if you wish fools!

I like this game but i belive that there are too many players that lack the emotion of Empathy. I dislike when people flame on players just because they: don't get the game as much as themselves, don't agree with them or just as simple as it is someones third game and they don't quite follow and so on. I respect all players in this game until they disrespect me and i believe that it is how the internet community should all be about, but since it is the members of the network that decide it's content it have failed to be so in many cases and i am disappointed by that.

And for you haters who belive my sentences are ridiculous i say taht you have no right to explain me stupid since it is on my profile and you chose to read it. This doesn't say that i don't welcome your critic and your oppinion though.


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
16 / 20Do No Harm
8 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
5 / 20He's Batman
2 / 15Knight Devout
about 12 years
+k'ed(: return? <3
about 12 years