
New Jersey

Getting banned for not being well liked enough... cool story right?



anonymousover 11 years
you go on your alt to talk big shit you pussy bitch eat shit and die bet you're like 500lbs and have a triple chin LOL
I have openly admitted to being overweight. Everyone knows who I am unlike you who is hiding behind an anonymous question.


1 / 25Eye of the Beholder
1 / 10I'm Towntelling!
1 / 25Explosion!
almost 12 years
think youre tough kid? wanna say that to my face?
almost 12 years
wanna start something? huh?
almost 12 years
didnt know having a cc who had a cop inno report on him made you UNcced... good to know
deletedalmost 12 years
really, you lynched an uncc'ed blue over your cc? really?
almost 12 years
Yes, sometimes my lyrics are sexist but all you lovely bitches and hoes should know I'm trying to correct this.
almost 12 years
LOL, I can tell you're a real dumb Jersey girl. Do us all a favor and stay there for the rest of your life. We don't need you retards in our area. You should quit playing this game too while you're at it. Worst player I've come across.
almost 12 years
Learn to THINK before you lynch. You have the logic of a two year old. Go back to training.
almost 12 years
why don;t you get over it and just not care that I'll never play with you lol
almost 12 years
it wasnt you that got anyone to unvote it was the fact that brown was ur partner and theres naive people who sheep w/e brown says cuz he's brown.
I just think you're annoying so I don't play with you, whats the problem here?
about 12 years
its obvious how much you wish you could be friends with me.
deletedabout 12 years
actually thats u, ur not good
about 12 years
k *filler*
about 12 years
lol only cuz maf fear killed me

b0oty 27 minutes 31 seconds
Like I care
about 12 years
Like I care enough to click that and read it lol
about 12 years
You're a top bloke. (y)
about 12 years
Wow. I used the extra time in the night meeting to do shit IRL. What a pathetic reason to neg someone. Great job!
deletedabout 12 years
I negged you for being an all around horrible player in the game we played and leaving me with the most strong distaste for you. Didn't want you to be confused about a silent neg.
about 12 years
you were asked to stop by two different people and proceeded to say it in every sentence to dominate the conversation and force your privilege down our throat.
about 12 years
The thing about swearing is how I mean for it to be meant as. I use "nigga" as a term towards close friends on epicmafia. It was not meant to cause any harm, and I'm sorry if you took it the wrong way.
about 12 years
This guy is really dumb and he pretends to know what he is doing, should avoid being on the same team with him at all cost.