
in love with 
part of  family

Begone, foul miscreation!                                                           

i'm no longer a part of the epicmafia community reach out to me as an individual if you want if we're not friends, feel free to try, but i'll probably ignore you i chose a long time ago to release this site's burden on my mind

as for the rest of this horrid place, just don't come anywhere fucking near me



anonymousover 9 years
how the hell do you hyperlink images on your profile
[insert text here](insert url here)
anonymousover 9 years
Could you please not remove your old setups randomly? I wanted to play your Tailor + Det but welp its gone
if i made a tailor + detective setup, it would have been on an old account. if it's the one i'm thinking of, it was terrible anyway
over 9 years
whats the next fandom bandwagon you're going to hop on?
turned out it was fire emblem awakening. i wouldn't call myself a fandom-goer though
anonymousover 9 years
i want to get to know you better because you seem like a cool guy.
show thy face lest thou be labeled a fibber
anonymousover 9 years
maybe someday we will be friends
oh ok. why do you want to be friends


4 / 25Explosion!
4 / 10I'm Towntelling!
3 / 15New Sheriff in Town
3 / 30Oxyclean
2 / 20Clint Eastwood
over 9 years
deletedover 9 years
thank u, i am new to being gay n cute
over 9 years
tho idk what happened or how it broke :/
over 9 years
why is your avatar so bad
deletedover 9 years
i had to listen to your autoplay for 3 seconds to invite you and i don't want to simulate that every again, friend
over 9 years
Well well well well well well
over 9 years
are you just waiting 6 months to ansewr all of my questions what the hell
over 9 years
thank you so much senpai!!!!!!!!!!!!
over 9 years
over 9 years
today i checked mspadventures and saw "10/16" so i was like HOLY AN UPDATE but nah it just turns out it's been a year. happy hiatus anniversary.
over 9 years
Plagues end was a lot easier than I thought
deletedalmost 10 years
whatever do you mean?
deletedalmost 10 years
Still weird 0_o
deletedalmost 10 years
hey nonon friend
deletedalmost 10 years
>victim >wtf
almost 10 years
almost 10 years
are those the lyrics to blumenkranz
almost 10 years
Want to laugh at my pie now?
deletedalmost 10 years
x420x BumP lol x420x

~x~x~ Add this to youre sig if your a proud ST0N3R ~x~x~x420x BumP lol x420x

~x~x~ Add this to youre sig if your a proud ST0N3R ~x~x~x420x BumP lol x420x

~x~x~ Add this to youre sig if your a proud ST0N3R ~x~x~x420x BumP lol x420x

~x~x~ Add this to youre sig if your a proud ST0N3R ~x~x~x420x BumP lol x420x

~x~x~ Add this to youre sig if your a proud ST0N3R ~x~x~x420x BumP lol x420x

~x~x~ Add this to youre sig if your a proud ST0N3R ~x~x~x420x BumP lol x420x

~x~x~ Add this to youre sig if your a proud ST0N3R ~x~x~x420x BumP lol x420x

~x~x~ Add this to youre sig if your a proud ST0N3R ~x~x~
almost 10 years
you're a homestuck at heart