
part of  family

Thank you Sigma for the Trophy:

over 9 years
rockythetiger / settings / close account / delete this account / ok - or alternatively never play comp again
almost 10 years
+k to 93 ☻ return? ♥
almost 11 years
Welcome back man!
almost 11 years
Happy Birthday
about 11 years
Here is some +k for you
about 11 years
congrats on the trophy man
about 11 years
Congrats on the trophy, Rocky. You deserve it man.
about 11 years
+k because of rayman
deletedabout 11 years
congratulations, rocky. :)
about 11 years
congrats mate
about 11 years
Rayman is #1 game. Those potoon hiding spots are genius.
over 12 years
+k'ed. return? <3
over 12 years
nice to see you on board
over 12 years
you are fucking retarded, just lost me the trophy coz you had to look town by not voting the real cop, and you still got lynched for that, If you dont know how to play just follow the mafia partner who actually has better experience at winning than you,, you know how bad you fucked up... you went from autowin to autoloss.. and i am purposely posting this on your profile so that you feel bad about it... you dont have to say sorry to me... because fucking how many times will you ruin my run, you cant say sorry everytime... ive recovered 3 times after you fucked up .. each time i forgive you because i like to play with you.. you cant make up for this retardedness even if you carry me for 3 rounds, coz you have fucked up more than you can ever make up
deletedover 12 years
just doing the job i neglected when i had it
over 12 years
ye be careful man make sure you follow rules precisely
over 12 years
plus to 32! return !
over 12 years
bro its so sad that you arnt allowed to play in comp :( i miss you man.
over 12 years - This is your 8th violation.
deletedover 12 years
please find me the attached game to the report against you in this topic-