Best games: You have to read this one through. The town phailed so badly, again and again.
I janitor a blue, and tracker and watcher claim d1. Tracker has guilty on me and watcher has guilty on disguiser (there are 3 mafs). Looking bad. Disguiser lynched d1.
That night, maf kill watcher.
Watcher having been vindicated, I am definitely maf. For some obscure reason town lynches their tracker! When talk turns to lynching me, I decide to pull out all the stops and claim doc. Real doc does not cc.
Night 3 is hilarious and a must read - maf's and graveyard's comments mesh perfectly. So now everything depends on one thing. Maf just have to lynch and they win (yesterday was lylo). But there's a doc - if he saves then the game continued with an almost certain maf lose.
Mafia wins. But the best bit is that the doc didn't even save!