

Returned part time on January 8th, 2010. Back more regularly in December 2010.

NOTICE: Not sure who Spotify is, but it's not me. Find someone who knows me to "Guise" test them if you are actually worried about it.


100 karma - first reached on 8/29/09 via +K by JezebellAlli 200 karma - first reached on 1/8/11 via +K by piggybanx

10k points - Game 216685 on 9/1 just before midnight. One of my all time faves, KPelletier09 was on hand for the fun! 9/21 - Honor Role for Spy!!!

Sass21: They wanted to shoot someone else, but his giant head got in the way!

[Insert gameplay quirks here] Short version - I hate kick lynches. I am a night 1 shooting vig. I make a great granny or bomb. Watch out for the Dave maneuver.

My favorites - in no particular order: sachy Radamanthos Spiderboom MishaNicole iConfess QuinnFabray MisaAmane Jesswhite mafiagal09 FairyGirl69 katieeitak tisdale holycon Suppandigirl Skoffin Stephen Tonkster DarianRocks

Please let me know if I forgot you.

deletedabout 14 years
Ok mister! :)
about 14 years
Hey bitch! I cant believe you killed me! hahahahaha
about 14 years
lol :)
about 14 years
Fun playing with you!
about 14 years
Im talking to you on msn :0 haha. I like how on ur fav players list in under titties :) shes cool hahah
about 14 years
Aww. Thanks BHD :D you seem like a great person. see you around and I hope to play some games with you soon :]
deletedabout 14 years
+k plz return
deletedabout 14 years
woah crazy! we're not together anymore but it's nice to hear from you!
about 14 years
Zarathustra is the main one. but also Ocean and their alts.
about 14 years
lol sorry but i have another question! do you know how to report people for harassment? or what to do? the guy who accused myself and a few others cheating, follows us into games to yell and harass us, gets on alts to do it as well, tells others not to play with us, and apparently, has read every single one of our games to harass people who have played with us. they even comment other people's profiles who have _k'd us.
about 14 years
what do you do when people are immature and have all their friends neg bomb you because the ENTIRE town decided to lynch them? :/
about 14 years
the claw can be kind of ridiculous at times, but good i'm glad you worked it out! and thank you for the +k. once i get the points (and i am trying to get them up there) i'll return it! :]
about 14 years
i just saw your comment to me on my profile and i don't even remember what game you are talking about. but i wouldn't neg you! <3 (even if i could, i wouldn't!)
about 14 years
Heeeeeeeeeeeellow! Im great, stoned as fuck and eating a peach!!! O.O
about 14 years
I understand where you're coming from. I've made some friends on here that I wouldn't want to lose. But, at the same time, I know those friends would trust me over rumors. And if they don't, it's their loss. =p
about 14 years
Malice makes a good point. I wouldn't have known anything about the issue had I not seen your response. Just remember that any harm done on EM is purely superficial if you keep it that way. =]
about 14 years
I get that, about changing your age, it WOULD be weird, but that's why I suggested something silly like "99" so it isn't YOUNGER than you are but people will know it's not real and they will need to ask you if they want to know (and they rarely ask). Oh well good luck to you.
about 14 years
lol girls are stupid. sorry again for blowing up your board, at least you can delete them >_< Friends!
about 14 years
Mmkay and I just saw your response on iShine's board I understand why you take it personal, but really this game is pretty full of assholes and trolls who would LOVE to find this out about you so they could torture you with it and get you all worked up. That is exactly what trolls love most - getting people worked up - and you would make it easy for them. So don't worry about me spreading some silly rumor around about you (I have a life to tend to), but next time you really should let it pass; I was drunk enough that I would have forgotten what I was saying within 5 minutes anyway. Another suggestion may be to change your age to "99" or "5" or something silly because tbh, seeing your age and knowing the average age of EM users is the only thing that would prompt other people to make a similar "joke".
about 14 years
Wow! I didn't even realize iShine posted nearly the same thing as me, and was talking about me on your page here! That probably means something bro, if you have more than one person telling you to lighten up. And lulz @ threatening defamation of character on the internet - BigHeadDave is not you, it's a fake persona you've created and is not subject to libel or defamation of character. Are you sure you're 35 man?