

Yes there are girls on the fucking internet!!!!!


BigHeadDave FairyGirl69

im sure there are more, let me know if i havent mentioned you...that way you can jizz about it!

msn -

about 14 years
Where are you :(
about 14 years
Well crap, did I just miss you?
about 14 years
The server deleted the comments and a bunch of other stuff. Anyway, wanted to say I had a great time hanging out with ya last night. We'll have to do that again soon. Oh, and get that MSN upgraded. :P
about 14 years
Also added you. Yay, I made your list!
about 14 years
I added you on msn :)
about 14 years
:) I will stalk you and find u in a game!
about 14 years
I hated when I saw you were bomb. I didn't want to kill you! At least you won!
about 14 years
Stares at avie... haha
about 14 years
+K.....I don't believe in reasons
about 14 years
I had to leave before it ended, but I just read the rest of the game. Great job in there!
about 14 years
+k for knowing i was guised and cause your the best player i know. Idk why u have -k. I guess cause of those haters haha. <3
about 14 years
So mean killing someone on n1 who joined a game to play with you, you know. :P
about 14 years
Haha - sounds like quite a day there! Enjoying it?
about 14 years
Hello! Long time no see. How are you?
about 14 years
Hustle sided with me, I never sided with him. There is a difference. In retrospect, it was a pro move on his part and you fell into the logical fallacy of thinking I was mafia based on his association with me.
about 14 years
Saw you were on - how have you been?
about 14 years
I totally understand. I'd talk to you on MSN or something, but I don't have it running on this computer. Maybe she will get bored soon.
about 14 years
I want to apologize to you. The booty nonsense has nothing to do with you, so it is not right that you have to put up with it. So please accept my apologies, and I hope to be able to play with you in peace, soon.
about 14 years
Looks like we keep missing each other. :/
about 14 years
I know - we'll have to play again soon. :)