
On the Psycho Path
married to 
part of  family
almost 12 years
But what? :o
almost 12 years
You don't have other friends on? :o
almost 12 years
D: How would playing = a friend though? O_o
almost 12 years
lmao, I don't really feel like playing right now, sorry
almost 12 years
lmao xD Why not Training? :P
almost 12 years
What have I told you about me doing that? :P
almost 12 years
lmao what a wonderful reason :P I'm just fine-tuning my plan to destroy all no av--... I mean uh, not much, just playing games and such, wbu?
almost 12 years
Why won't you sleep? :o
almost 12 years
You don't ask a friend to be your friend :P
almost 12 years
We're not? :(
almost 12 years
Stop what?
almost 12 years
It's okay, I can take a hint.
almost 12 years
Are you talking about me? D:
almost 12 years
When did you stop? :O
almost 12 years
You already tried that, remember?
almost 12 years
Noyou're not:(
almost 12 years
Yay! Fun! :3
almost 12 years
Way to be so mean about it :( See if i ever play training for you again.
almost 12 years
You just had to die :(
almost 12 years
Can I join then? =D I won't be a noavi. I'll be your silent supporter.