
part of  family

I <3 mafia!

"Without love, it cannot be seen."

"Without love it cannot be seen. ...Hah that's backwards. Because of love you end up seeing things that don't exist. Its nothing more than an illusion, one that no one except you can see, and one that even you cannot touch. Without love humans would never have to sift through truth and lies. Because we can see those, …We doubt, we suffer, we cry out loud."

Rules of Snurkee's hunger games: Each person is put into a district by the role they get at the game's start. To win, their must only be one district at the game's end. Their is only two people per district. The districts are as follows. All district roles are subject to change.

D1-Bodyguards, D2-Santas, D3-Mimics, D4-Blacksmiths, D5-Gunsmiths, D6-Amnesiacs, D7-Theives, D8-Fabricators, D9-Vigilantes, D10-Anarchists, D11-Werewolves, D12-Killers

Starting on the fourth day, there will be a challenge at the end of the day to decide who will be lynched.

The game is day start, so it would be wise to make alliances on then. It might be even better to make alliances pre-game. It would would also help you to find your district partner. However, there are mimics, fabricators, werewolves, and theives on the lose, so be careful who you claim to! Make sure to have lots of fun, and may the odds be ever in your favor!


10 / 20Super Sleuth!
4 / 20Do No Harm
1 / 15Psycho-analyst!
1 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
over 12 years
Plussed for winning, thanks for joining!
almost 13 years
+k'd you for choosing me! Lol that was very surprising.. And you did very well (:
almost 13 years
+K for shooting the naked cory as sheriff :)))))) That was fucking epic :))))
almost 13 years
+k please return :D
almost 13 years
returned because i'm sure you'll do something awesome.
deletedalmost 13 years
over 13 years
you, snooki, have just been plussed by me. :D
deletedover 13 years
+K for awesome