

I'm Liz, hi. I like this game so I play it when I can. There's not much else to it :).


about 12 years
What do you like more.. Liars Dice or Tiramisu?!
It actually depends on my mood lol.. But I suppose a good game of Tiramisu (with funny, nice people) is more involved than Liars Dice and I like that :)


20 / 20Super Sleuth!
20 / 20Do No Harm
20 / 20I'm Miller, I Swear!
11 / 25Eye of the Beholder
7 / 10Scumhunter

Created Setups

deletedover 13 years
+k :)
over 13 years
My good friend, that game we lost against Infinite and Obscure when I was cop, these folks are actually cheaters, I got they by the balls, check that out and spread the word:
over 13 years
+k pro maf partner
over 13 years
oh ty Lespar :D
over 13 years
your avi's are always so preeettty :)
over 13 years
+k for being very determined to win even if misguided at times hahahaha
over 13 years
+k returned
almost 14 years
I think it's cause I need more points xD
almost 14 years
okay i can't alter your karma for some reason =/
almost 14 years
oh my frigging god, spirited away <3
+k for being awesome.
almost 14 years
<3 :D
almost 14 years
You need more points, I cannot go Oprah on you :( Once I can, I shall +K you
almost 14 years
Hayy add me