anonymousabout 10 years
do you like the d?
That could be anything. The Dick? No if you mean taking it although I wouldnt know how that feels, but yes if you mean mine. I'm very happy with mine. You might like it if you're a female. Also if the d means Detroit well I've never been.
anonymousover 10 years
are u gay
You didn't specify which definition of the word you were referring to... you idiot.
anonymousover 10 years
eeh, maybe
anonymousover 10 years
do you suck
no, but i have a friend that does ; )
The tragedy of Plissken is a long one indeed. Plissken rose to popularity on the mafia rinks in Sandbox by trying out new setups and ways to play. He was enthusiastic about it and would often put up fliers to draw people in from the crowds. Announcers, caterers, and cheerleaders would be hired to come down and support his efforts. In time, however, this soured. Plissken developed a feud with Jamal Marley, a foreign general and holy man who frequently came to blows with the Sandbox community, and developed a frenzied advertisement campaign for his Plissken's 200th, a celebration of his mafia setups. This campaign involved a one-on-one duel with Marley, and eventually escalated into a death match. On the night of the event, Jamal won, but he showed mercy and spared Plissken's life. Plissken feigned gratitude and became a leader in the Church of Jamal, but as his sect grew it moved away from Jamal ideologically, especially as his master returned to his homeland