
Planet Earth

How could I possible describe how awesomerific I am in 5000 characters? Also, it's Mariah! not Maria. If you're going to insult me, please get creative with it. There/their/they're and your/you're are different things. Learn to use them. Always remember: the best games are the no brake kind.

about 13 years
Hey! I never see you anymore! As soon as i get a 2k score, im going to devote myself to getting you some healthy karma!
over 13 years
woah, why such a bad K, you're a good player, +K for yo
over 13 years
Actually, I neg'd because you're not very good. That is all.
over 13 years
ikr XD haha lmfao what.
i love that when i was guilted maf, the cop investigated you right after XD
over 13 years
sore losers shouldn't neg.
over 13 years
lol. random -k
over 13 years
Yeah wuldve k+ but no work
over 13 years
I was gunna +k you but it wouldnt let me