+k because you were awesome to me on my alt in comp =] If you ever find out who it is, I should probably learn to play tough setups before i play 'em comp bahahaha
Chesskid Choke: I won gold, cheater tied for 2nd because I beat them on my alt. They tie and it goes on for another day. He cheats to go 5/5, vegs out of my wins. I'm 1/3, win one more game and Super can't pass me, both I win gold. Fading hammers me twice in a row, Super does badly but gets two extra hearts while I never got mine back. I won bronze but selfdeleted with less than two minutes in the round. I didn't want and I still don't.
deletedover 13 years
I have an invite with your name on it. I haven't heard from Cold but I want her in too. You'd have to leave for me to invite.
Message Derse and ask him to refund them since he handled them :P at least one should be refunded since a violation was given (can only find out by actually clicking the refund button)