Just scumhunt

over 13 years
If you don't like this setup its because you are bad at scumhunting
deletedover 13 years
this type of setup is cool but this one is insanely mafia sided.... i guess you could call it "SCUM HUNT CHALLENGE" because i expect town's win rate to be below 5%.
over 13 years
its only mafia sided if you don't know how to scumhunt, noob
deletedover 13 years
rename to pro towns only
deletedover 13 years
woah hey miller/mafia is cool and all but if its lylo d1 then it doesnt matter. if you lynch them and they flip mafia they were mafia because YOU DIDNT LOSE.
over 13 years
its to farm miller losses silly

losing as miller makes you look pro
about 13 years
This setup is so awful.
about 13 years
This setup is so beautiful.
about 13 years
100% mafia win rate setup also any setup that i win at is bad see the game link below i won also it's must lynch day 1 so if town don't lynch mafia they lose lol. http://www.epicmafia.com/game/861160
deletedabout 13 years
deletedabout 13 years
your satire is unfunny