
in love with 
part of  family

Alt of

My gender is neither male nor female, but since that's not an option, alternates weekly.

Connecting to server...

Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: rawr

Stranger: u male or female

You: female

Stranger: u horny

You: was that a question?

Stranger: yea'

You: try one of these next time ----> ?

Stranger: wat

Stranger: ohh this ?

Stranger: u horny?

You: better...but still not a complete sentance

Stranger: r u horny?

Stranger: R u horny?

You: so close and yet so far....r and u are not words

Stranger: are you horny?

You: almost there!

Stranger: wat eles

Stranger: Are your horny?

You: no

You have disconnected.

deletedalmost 14 years
+ked jeff
deletedalmost 14 years
i lied. i'm not going to PM you, i have to buy it. lol.
almost 14 years
You're too nice to be maxwell :3
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
What depresses me is that I know I'll never be as good as you.
almost 14 years
+K cause you said I was guud no avi. YAH.
almost 14 years
aight, don't worry about it, i get bad lag alot too. if you were kicked then the town who were kickhappy aren't too smart, as i had that game in the bag.
almost 14 years
jagggggggggg why'd you have to go and afk, I actually checked you that night, making you the third mafia.
deletedalmost 14 years
thanks, jag :3 returned for being a super-genius.
almost 14 years
If I hadn't already +k'ed you, id do it again =)... At least you were the first person ive played with in a while that evaluated everything as a PR in lylo
deletedalmost 14 years
WHERE..... ARE...... YOU....?
deletedalmost 14 years
Why are you still in Flippy Gone Trippy?
deletedabout 14 years
Trust me jag, if I had 1000 points, I would +K you to heaven :D
about 14 years
Negged for the comments you made on your kittenz account.
about 14 years
Even though you are who you are, which kinda makes me feel silly...I still have respect for you. So rate:
about 14 years
+k for you
deletedabout 14 years
You know I would never bad mouth you, clearly you didn't take your medication again. I really hope when you say my best friend you're not talking about Mango, because I will kill you if that's the case.
about 14 years
You're one of the few people I would play a game for. *mauls*
about 14 years
Cop claiming D1 in that setup is not a bad idea. Either there's a doc or a watcher along with cop, depends. Maf doesn't know which setup it is so they often don't risk hooking cop and getting caught by watcher. I won't go into it anymore than that, but there was a huge argument in the forums about this, and a lot of really good players stand on both sides of the fence. +Karma for sticking around that game.
about 14 years
whatever happened to this feller: