
part of  family

http://www.epicmafia.com/role/3424 Alchemist!!!

http://www.epicmafia.com/game/1113728 The silliest game I have played.

almost 14 years
Ok I am ready.
almost 14 years
I need a cigarette and a five minute break after that. My god.
almost 14 years
i tried to plus you. but i seem to have already done that.... good job as mindfuckingmaf from the graveyard.
almost 14 years
yes, but lets play ranked.
almost 14 years
k I will take that as groveling, I will accept the friendship request under one stipulation, you are not allowed to question my nap times. I live life on the edge, fast paced and sometimes you need a damn nap.
almost 14 years
furthermore, I am not sure if I am ready to accept that friends request just yet. I feel betrayed and stongly advocate some groveling to win me over.
almost 14 years
cruel? I am cruel? You just up and went and broke off this friendship without so much as a k bye be done with ya.... There I was naive thinking we had a great partnership in the works to sell er help women. I just don't know what to think anymore. I'm also missing my nap time for this, and that speaks volumes.
almost 14 years
oh I see. That is most unfortunate, especially since it was so early in the morning and I still had double vision. I suppose this is goodbye. Then or Than goodbye. :S
almost 14 years
why you not my friend anymore? :S
almost 14 years
vague answers don't get us far. What would you want to do out in that storm anyways?
almost 14 years
LOL book, I tried to put a space for two paragraphs and it didn't let me and now I got to deal with this scrutiny!

What kind of music?
almost 14 years
well aren't you just pleasant first thing in the morning.
almost 14 years
No one does something to make other people think they made them do something. The correct response would have been, 'I am right about the fool, I don't know how to find it, if you can find it I will prove to you, that you are wrong.'

It is all about being diplomatic, sending people packing to hell with a smile, and they thank you. That is my forte, furthermore, what is this about a tropical Island, I thought the original plan was to prevent other people from making money the way we make money, er I mean to stop suffering!!! furtherfurthermore I want in on this tropical island, it is easy to find a fall guy, if we veil it as a humanitarian NGO, do you have any idea how many suckers will be flocking to help, any of which could take the brunt of attack once it all comes crumbling down....

This is why I'm the brains of the operation, I do the thinking, you do the pencil pushing. well actually we can probably afford to buy you a typewriter, either way....
deletedalmost 14 years
hm must have been a problem at the post office.. Dunno I never tried to send one thousand chocolate bars before :P haha
almost 14 years
almost 14 years
You have further illustrated why I would be the superior leader. I have succesfully meta managed you into doing all of that work, which by the way puts an emphasis on your great administrative skills, which would come in handy as a great assistant.

Obviously I know the rules and protocol behind the fool, as a leader I must be a master of deception, and I believe I displayed that superbly.
almost 14 years
Why do you keep teasing me? D:
almost 14 years

I love you, you know.
deletedalmost 14 years
Instead I give you 1000 chocolate bars what you think? XD
almost 14 years
a diff doc did cc. in whisper. and i play for fun lol :-)))